Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Must Read Book for Nonprofits

There are so many great marketing books out there, but here is one I really think will give you a lot of bang for your buck. Every nonprofit should take a look at "Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes" by Katya Andreeson.

One customer review on had this to say about 'Robin Hood:' ...It helps you focus on creating clear, concise messages that will compel your donors to give, your volunteers to get involved, and your champions to go to bat for you. The book guides you step-by-step through the messages development process, how to make a compelling case for your organization; and encourages you not to worry about whether your constituents understand all the various nuances of wht you need to do, but insted to sell the soul of the cause.

Check it out for yourself on

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